(David Rubino) KOR2 is a fanfiction based on the school life of Kazuya, Kyosuke's younger cousin. It maintains original KOR feelings while introducing new elements. Comments can be directed to or the Web page can be accessed directly at The series started on January 3, 1996 and now, with Matsumoto's written blessing, plans to continue through its course until it makes a mark as a true KOR fanfiction series. -------------- KOR2 : Another Day Episode 3 : First Impressions The sound of the bell filled the empty schoolyard as I walked through. It was five o clock and the sun was now just a decaying fragment of the horizon. A warm wind blew across the grass which reminded me of every time this year as long as I have lived in this town. I remember when I was much younger standing near here talking with my cousin Kyosuke. He was trying to explain to me why he had such a problem choosing between two loves, which I thought was ridiculous since I knew he really loved Madoka. I always thought he was weak for that. Now here I am, Kazuya Kasuga, caught in the same tug-of-war with my heart. If only Kyosuke were here he would probably cause me as much grief as I did to him. Somehow, I didn t miss him as much because of that. It wasn t too long before I was in front of the library, ready to meet with Mai. I stepped up the stone stairs and made my way to the front door. I opened the door slowly and peered inside. As I stuck my head in there was another person only inches away staring back at me. Ryosuke! I jumped back and let go of the door. Ryosuke excitedly pushed opened the door and grabbed my arm. Kazuya! What a surprise! I knew you d be here, I was just hoping you would. He tugged at my arm and pulled me into the library. My previous thoughts of a secret meeting with Mai were probably just my imagination again. She probably invited him to study also. Did you come here to study with Mai? he asked. I agreed but then wondered if Mai had invited him here at all. He would definitely have known why I was here. It was probably ill-fate that Ryosuke ended up everywhere I didn t want him to be. I had to find a way to get rid of him. Students walked by us and I was actually surprised at how busy the library was. I didn t come here very often and never at study time. I looked around for Mai but couldn t find her. In all this time, Ryosuke was talking to me but I didn t notice a word he was saying. That is, until he mentioned Mai s name. What was that? I asked. I said that if you re looking for Mai, she s on the second floor getting materials. Let s go get her. Ryosuke ran ahead and started up the spiral staircase. Wait! I called out. Ryosuke stopped to look back to me. I didn t want it to be like this. I wanted to spend the time with Mai and not the three of us. Wasn t there something else you were supposed to be doing? Ryosuke looked at me strange and then laughed. No, not really. I wouldn t mind helping you two out. Besides, I think you need the help, if you know what I mean. He winked at me and continued running up the stairs. The wink shocked me. Did he think I wanted to date Mai? I didn t really know for myself but the last thing I wanted was for him to interfere. He would ruin everything. And not only that, I could just see Mai staring at Ryosuke and I together, wondering what an odd couple we made. She would likely ask if this degenerated, strange-looking kid was my retarded little brother. He had to be stopped! I used the power on him and made him trip and fall back down the stairs. He wasn t too far up so I thought he wouldn t get hurt, at least not too bad. Apparently, I thought wrong. I had forgotten that Ryosuke was the smallest wimp with the biggest mouth ever to walk down Orange Street. Ryosuke yelled in surprise when he first tripped and continued to yell the entire way down. When he hit the floor he kept yelling. When I got to him and tried to help him up he was still yelling. Tears welled into his eyes and he sobbed out my name. I didn t know how to react, I didn t really mean to hurt him at all. I just didn t want him to embarrass me. It was too late for that. Ryosuke s screams brought the attention of everyone in the library, including the students, the attendants, and Mai. She ran down the stairs and grabbed Ryosuke s hand, who seemed very likely on the verge of death. Wimpy Ryosuke looked so pathetic at that moment. I felt horrible. He didn t look hurt but that didn t stop him from causing the biggest scene. Mai looked at me with concern. What happened, she asked. I couldn t tell her the truth. I.. I... I guess I couldn t tell her a lie either. My tongue was frozen, the Kasuga curse. Kazuya. Ryosuke moaned. The attendants grabbed Ryosuke and started to lead him away, but not before he said one more thing. Kazuya, how could you do that to me? And then he was gone. Those words hung in the air and everybody froze. All eyes turned to look upon me, a very stunned Kazuya, and they didn t look too happy. Ryosuke accused me of tripping him down the stairs. How could he have known that I used the power? I had to think about this but I was cut short by an intimidating look from Mai. Kazuya, did you do that to Ryosuke? I felt my world shattering. I was responsible for doing that to Ryosuke and somehow he knew that! I tried to back up but was stopped by several students who grabbed hold of me. Mai stepped closer and the look on her face worsened. Kazuya! What happened? She looked anything but friendly anymore. I.. I... Again I was stuck not being able to say anything. If only I could think straight. My time ran out. I saw everything as if in slow motion. Her hand twitched once and began to raise away from her side. It followed a certain path to my face. I saw it coming and I couldn t do a thing to stop it. I almost felt that I deserved it but that did nothing to soften the blow. She slapped me so hard my body spun around twice before falling to the floor. I looked up to see an angry Mai storming out of the library. If I had brought Miyuki this would never have happened. I certainly felt that this was fate for thinking of betraying her. I cursed at myself for being so stupid and making Mai mad at me. I determined to stop her outside and apologize. I got up to my feet and took a step before a horde of angry students blocked my way. And where do you think you re going? one of them threatened. I looked around and saw plenty of angry faces. I have to stop her! I pleaded. You can t just hurt that poor kid and think you can get away with it, a girl in the crowd accused. Several more agreed with her. I looked around nervously, there was no way out. What are you going to do? I asked helplessly. I almost saw the students transforming into horrible monsters chuckling evilly. They reached out and grabbed me, pulling me to the floor. I didn t dare use the power, it s what got me into this bad situation. I shouldn t have left Miyuki home. It was all over. Miyuki!!! ********************** I threw open my front door in rage and disgust. There was lipstick writing all over my body, spelling out jerk and bully . I dropped my bag to the floor and stormed past the kitchen up the stairs. I almost didn t even notice Miyuki sitting in the kitchen next to Akane. I stopped in surprise and stepped back a few steps to confirm that Miyuki was really here. I was nervous that maybe she knew that I went to see Mai and now she was here to pay out some more punishment. I stuck my head around the corner expecting the worst. Miyuki and Akane both froze in surprise as they looked at me covered in graffiti. Akane slowly raised her hand towards me and pointed. Her mouth opened in awe. And then she broke out laughing. The laughter was only echoed by Miyuki who helped herself to laughing at me. I felt grumpy and mad. It s not funny! I shouted. They just laughed harder and pointed at me. It was more humiliating than strangers that laughed at me all the way home. The louder I screamed the louder they laughed. There was no winning. I threw my hands at them in disgust and stormed the rest of the way upstairs into my bedroom where I got changed and took a shower. I went back downstairs again into the kitchen where both of them still were. Miyuki was twirling a rose around her fingers and Akane was finishing up my dinner. They looked at me and I could tell they were laughing under their breath. What happened to you? Akane asked. Don t ask, I grumbled. I certainly didn t want Miyuki or Akane finding out that I was in the library with Mai. Miyuki laid the rose down on the table and I took a seat. Let s go the new Abcb tonight, Miyuki suggested. What s so new about it? I asked. The old Master bought it back and cleaned it up. He s giving a discount to all students in Kouryou Gakuen school. I remember the old Master vaguely, back when my older cousin used to work at Abcb. He seemed to be a nice person from what little I recall. Yeah, sure, why not? I felt through my pocket to count how little money I had even with a discount. My stomach grumbled. Akane, hurry up with dinner! Akane cast me an almost fearful look. I had realized what I said only too late. A shadow appeared at the doorway certainly invoked by the mention of food. Akane worked faster at finishing the meal and I grew fearful myself. A confused Miyuki looked at Akane and me not understanding what was happening. What is it? Miyuki asked. Never mind that, I said. Hurry, Akane! I glanced back at the doorway. The shadow grew larger followed by a fat, furry paw. Akane! I yelled again. She flew into a frenzy, throwing everything onto a plate in whichever way. My fingers tightened around the fork, my left hand clutched the table. A nose emerged from the shadows, I saw it twitch once. And then it came. Jingimi bounded around the corner with frightening speed. The laws of physics had nothing on such a huge mass moving with such speed. Akane ran across the kitchen to me carrying the plate. It was a race against Jingimi who was closing the gap soon. With a meow, Jingimi leapt up and actually carried that fat body into the air. It was in a direct line to intercept my meal. I reached my hands out to the plate and yet even then I knew I was going to be too late, the cat would have my dinner again. I yelled, Akane yelled, and Jingimi meowed. And then Miyuki jumped in the way of Jingimi. No! I feared the worst for her. But quick as lightning, Miyuki blocked Jingimi with a trained defense move. Jingimi landed to the floor with a heavy thud, he appeared shocked. Taking advantage of the confusion, I grabbed the plate Akane was holding and began to desperately consume as much food as possible. Jingimi looked and saw that he had been beaten, this time. He lazily shuffled his fat body out the door, casting a warning look back as if to say I ll be back . I relaxed my grip on the fork and hit my chest, trying to get whatever food I had eaten to swallow properly. Akane sighed with relief and plopped down onto the other chair. Miyuki checked her watch and sat down between us, grabbing the rose again and twirling it. Mai should have been here already, she said absently. I almost choked on my food. Miyuki saw me sputtering and asked me what was wrong. Nothing. Nothing s wrong at all, I coughed. I just thought it was only us going. In truth, I didn t want to see Mai so soon since she must think that I'm a jerk. Oh, you re so cute that way! Miyuki said ecstatically. It s more than just us, Mai suggested bringing that strange boy, Ryosuke. Again, I felt the food lodge in my throat. This time Akane looked at me strangely. What is the matter, Kazuya? Akane demanded. Nothing. I just ate my food too fast, that s all. I was sure to be exposed now. I sought to change the subject. I pointed to the rose between Miyuki s fingers. Where did you get that from? Miyuki smiled, Again, you re being so silly! You know who. She seemed pretty happy. I seemed pretty confused. No, I don t know. Who? She tried one more time to be nice about it. Sure you do, stop being stupid. I didn t understand this game. I certainly wasn t the one who gave it to her and I had no idea who did. I insisted again. No, really, I don t know. Who gave it you? The expression on her face changed from bubbly Miyuki to a very stiff, irritated expression. After I got home from school, my bell rang but nobody was there. I looked down and saw this and a note on my front porch. She reached into her bag and pulled out the note. She read it aloud: To my dearest Miyuki, I long to see you again. I want you to be my darling forever. Is that it? I asked. No signature? I thought it would be from you, Kazuya. Who else is my darling forever? Akane laughed and leaned over the table closer to both of us. Apparently, Kazuya, Miyuki has a secret admirer. What are you going to do about it? I.. I don t know. What am I supposed to do about it? Miyuki looked at me angrily. Stupid. You re supposed to find that person and teach him a lesson. She swung her fist in a threatening motion. You know, tell him I m the only person for you. I had an image of a large man in a suit handing a rose to Miyuki and I tried standing up to him. I saw his huge hand grabbing my face and squeezing the life out of me. I shuddered at the thought. Miyuki gently placed the rose back down on the table, almost too gently. I realized that I had never gotten her a flower since I ve known her. Actually, I haven t got her much of anything. I felt ashamed that even a stranger did things for her that I never did. The doorbell rang and Miyuki jumped up. I ll get it! she said as she flew out of the kitchen to the hall where the front door was. Akane got up and started to clean up the kitchen. Akane, there s a problem. Akane didn t really react, she just kept cleaning. I know, Kazuya. You have to treat Miyuki better or you re going to lose her to secret admirers. No, not that. Today I... Akane finally stopped what she was doing and focused her attention on me. I continued. I think I found another ESPer. Akane looked shocked. Are you sure? she asked. Pretty sure. I didn t get a chance to do a mind read but the feeling was there. Who is it? It s.. I was broken off by Miyuki walking back into the kitchen followed by Mai. Seeing them next to each other took my breath away. Miyuki and Mai, possibly the two most beautiful girls I had ever seen. I couldn t help but stare and wish that I had both of them. Maybe I could pretend. Mai waved hello to Akane and me. She smiled at me which really surprised me, I had thought that she wouldn t. This was this Mai that I remember from my dream. Miyuki got her coat and started to put it on. We can leave now, Kazuya. Mai told me that Ryosuke can t make it. I nervously wondered if that was all Mai told her. Do you think you can have fun with just the two of us? asked Mai mischievously. Yes! I ll try. They giggled and I jumped up and headed for the exit. As I was leaving the kitchen, though, I looked back and saw Miyuki grab the rose and put it into her pocket. That should have been my rose, I thought. We walked together to Abcb and got to know each other better. Mai had just moved here from the next town over the summer and hadn t gotten to meet anybody since she arrived. Miyuki talked about her older brother Yuusaku and how strong he was. Miyuki got along better with her the closer we got to Abcb, they seemed to have a natural bond. I really enjoyed being with both of them but I found myself staring at Mai much more than Miyuki. There was just something about her that I found fascinating. She, of course, noticed me staring but rather than get mad she smiled back. I looked down, embarrassed. We showed up at the Abcb at about 8:00 and I felt deja vu walking into the place. There were some students sitting in a corner table but the place as always, was fairly empty. I had often wondered if that was the way the Master had wanted it, he never seemed to mind. Master saw us walk in and waved to us. A pretty girl I recognized from my school sat us down at a booth and took our order. Moments later, Master appeared at our table and placed a cup of cappuccino in front of us. Excuse me, Master, we didn t order that. Did we? Master laughed once and set down a spoon next to the cup. It s on me, Kazuya. I just wanted to try out my cafe latte machine. It had been so long and your cousin, Kyosuke was one of the first people to try it when I first purchased it. You look so much like Kyosuke I feel like you re starting here where he left off. He looked at the two girls sitting on either side of me. Yes, I would say that you were very much like Kyosuke. And how is he lately? He s well, I answered. He ll be here with Madoka this Christmas, you can see him then. How great! I ll be looking forward to it. Master waved to us as he went back to the counter and helped prepare some food with his assistant. Seeing him there, contentedly whistling to himself, I could see why he wanted the Abcb back. He just seemed to belong here. We each took turns sampling the cappuccino and Mai commented on how nice Master was. We agreed and really enjoyed the place. I knew that we would be coming here more often in the future. In the middle of our conversation, I had a feeling that we were being watched. I glanced over my shoulder and sure enough, there was a pair of eyes pressed up against the glass in the darkness. I yelled and jumped back. Mai and Miyuki both turned around and looked and saw... nothing. I swore to them that someone was out there but could not prove it. I grumpily finished my snack and contributed little to the conversation. Eventually, the night wore on and before we realized it, it had been hours since we arrived. Miyuki checked her watch and tapped it a few times to make sure that it really worked. I can t believe how late it s gotten, I have to get home quick! Miyuki jumped up and grabbed her coat, handing mine to me. Mai, you should have brought a coat. It s chilly at night. Sorry, I should have been thinking. I was in too much of a rush to get to Kazuya s place. Miyuki grabbed back my coat before I even had a chance to put it on and handed it to Mai. That s ok, you can just wear this one. Mai turned down the offer but Miyuki insisted and shortly after we were all on our way outside with Mai wearing my jacket. I lagged behind the two to ask Master for a favor. In a few minutes, I met them outside. While we were still in front of the door, and in the light, I motioned for Miyuki to come closer to me. I m sorry, this is long overdue. I bowed over and pulled a red rose from my pocket that Master had given me. I held it out to Miyuki. I looked up to see a happy Miyuki pluck the rose from my fingers and sniff it. Thank you, Kazuya! She jumped into me, almost knocking me over. She had a way of expressing joy that usually bordered on violence. But at the moment that Miyuki jumped into me, I saw Mai for a brief second before she turned away. She looked sad, almost hurt. I excused it as just the waning light from Abcb playing tricks with my eyes. We walked together until the top of the hundred stairs, where Miyuki had to break off to her house. Miyuki kept up the conversation the whole way, she always was so full of life. She was the type that spoke so loud and so animated that you couldn t help but smile and join in. I started to follow Miyuki to walk home but she insisted on walking herself, actually she preferred to run the rest of the way home. Mai and I waved to her as we started down the stairs together. The realization that it was just the two of us late at night was all too real. I tried to think of something to talk about but I was starting to become nervous. I thought about counting the stairs. 52... 53... 54... Mai whispered. I was surprised that we seemed to be thinking of the same thing at the same time. I relaxed and skipped down the stairs at a beat. Mai followed suit and soon we were skipping together, not talking but still sharing something. 100! announced Mai as she landing at the bottom. She smiled and spun once. I thought there were 99, I said. No. There are 100, I m positive. Oh. For some reason, hearing Mai say it sounded true. Only yesterday, I was ready to argue with Miyuki over the same thing. There was something about Mai that I still couldn t put my finger on. I looked up saw her walking slowly ahead of me, smiling and staring up at the stars. The starlight gently glowed on her face and she look so beautiful. Everything about her was just so perfect, she was definitely the one from my dreams. I heard her voice in the back of my mind. It s our destiny. The voice sounded so real it made me shudder. Miyuki turned and saw me shake. Her smile broadened and held her arm up opening the jacket. There s room in here for one more, she said to me. My heart beat faster. Here it was, my dream coming true with every breath. My legs moved almost on their own and I wasn t even conscious of us walking to her. I just remember that we walked home together and her arm was around me. After an eternity and a second, we were finally in front of my house. She took her arm off of me and started to take off my jacket. That s ok, I interrupted. You can return it to me tomorrow. Thank you, Kazuya. You really are sweet, Miyuki must be very lucky. Yeah, Miyuki. That name didn t process through my mind as long as Mai stood in front of me. And Kazuya, be more careful with Ryosuke. He s... special. She turned and ran away down the street before I could say anything. I opened the gate that lead into the apartment complex I lived in and walked the rest of the way to my front door. I couldn t help but think of anything but Mai. I felt like I was dreaming even now. I walked in through the front door and in the darkness I almost tripped over Jingimi. The fat cat screamed out a large meow and then realized that it was me. Jingimi walked around the room, first checking on Jingoro and then trotting up the stairs to my room where we slept together. My eyes adjusted more to the darkness and I saw something else move on the other side of the room. It was Akane. She must have been waiting up for me. I felt insulted at not being trusted. Were you waiting up for me? I demanded. Of course, I wanted to talk to you about the ESPer. I didn t believe her for a second. Are you sure that s the only reason? Akane laughed once. I trust you, Kazuya. You re a grown man now. You know how to take care of yourself. I could detect the sarcasm in her voice pretty easily. I was tired, though, so I decided to drop it. OK, we ll talk about the ESPer. We were in the library together when I found out. I could tell, too, after you told me there was one in town. I wonder if she knows that we re ESPers too. She? It s a he, a student in my class. His name is Ryosuke. What made you think the ESPer was a she, anyway? I heard Akane gasp. You mean that you don t know! she exclaimed. Know what? I felt something twitch inside of me. Suddenly, I felt as if a light of understanding had been turned on as we stood there in the dark. Once you warned me I was on the lookout for an ESPer. I looked into her mind and I saw it. Somehow I knew what Akane was going to say next. I didn t want it to be true, but I couldn t stop Akane from saying what was evident only to people like us. It's Mai. Kazuya, Mai is an ESPer. - End of Episode 3 -